Scara just needs a phaking break from neighbors mating season🥲

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Welcome to the this is gonna be super fun. Lehz-phakin-GOOOOO.

❤️ from

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Art from the New Year's Eve Horror themed one shot I ran a couple weeks ago

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i haven't drawn my babygirl evelynn in far too long 💗😈

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Doooooo Ittttttttt Copperstone... love it!!!

SOAP incoming... usage... lehz-phakin-GOOOOO

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Been a minute but here's my most recent Achara art from the summer 🦎

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GubbleBun hahahahaaaa lehz-phakin-GOOOOO!!!

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My old character Hugo from a dropped DnD game and/or old Gisnep pitch is getting rebranded for !! In this version he is a techie/chemist who specializes in explosives and drugs (potions) he's got a chemical burn scar now from an accidental explosion.

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This weekend on the gang goes to the Winter Formal, Diarmuid feeds unhealthy snacks to hospitalized KC, Achara casually rejects authority

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I phaking hate u guys here's me in a maid suit 😭(idk how to honestly draw maid dresses☹️)

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Stevie-Quinn (AKA Tag-Team), my nonbinary teen hero-in-training from an one-shot run by . They can split themselves into two or three copies, and each one gains a randomized power set after the split. They love gym and new friends. 💗💗💗

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Here's some other new art from the last session. A mob boss, a gramma, an estranged dad, and a pscyho that shoots lasers from his face

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Kid Condor, Will, Achara, Moira, Colt, Diarmuid, & Echo are the new kids on the block. AKA 4 LYF

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Everything you need to know about Colt, my Masks character 🧱🧱🧱

He's a reform(ing) delinquent trying to get a new start at and so far doing a terrible job.

The last two charts have art by (World's greatest GM) and (#1 fan)

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Some new characters the players got introduced to last AKA session.


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Shout out to the best players in the world & plus for indulging in a very spooky & somewhat traumatic Halloween game session of last night!
Good job not dying!

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