Tickled Pink would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all doctors, nurses, pharmacists, grocery workers, and delivery persons for your sacrifices! We would all be in The Pits without you!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
(art by Vincent)

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Thank you: Doctors, nurses, CNAs, physician assts, OTs, PTs, social workers, lab staff, administrators, porters, observers, janitorial & kitchen staff, maintenance, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, volunteers, techs, EMS, chaplains, engineering, IT, security, housekeeping.

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On more thankful than ever for healthcare workers, who join a long tradition of keeping us from harm and injustice.

📷: 1733 German book of pharmaceutical plants for & more. Explore: https://t.co/HJ0We6u4jD.

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