00-00 bought Yoki: The Robot Karaoke for 0.10 ETH ($122) https://t.co/7OYMiqy911

1 2

MODEart bought Yoki: The Robot Karaoke for 0.10 ETH ($122) https://t.co/7OYMiqy911

1 0

BrynnAlise bought Yoki: The Robot Karaoke for 0.10 ETH ($132) https://t.co/7OYMiqy911

1 1

eisbahn.eth bought Yoki: The Robot Karaoke for 0.10 ETH ($125) https://t.co/7OYMiqy911

1 0

0xA8F3d... bought A Look Inside My Brain for 0.10 ETH ($133) https://t.co/yacOV7ksnc

2 4

0xF8d46... bought A Look Inside My Brain for 0.10 ETH ($133) https://t.co/yacOV7ksnc

1 4

Sp5der33_Cold bought A Look Inside My Brain for 0.10 ETH ($131) https://t.co/yacOV7ksnc

1 5