so much going on, but always enough time to enter the weekly raffle. have a chance to win a pack, a 1:1 piece, and a series piece. here's his latest phygital, digital + physical print 1/1's

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Just listed my first proof of ashes on the This is a acrylics on cotton canvas. When bought we will torch the physical and mint the process as a video, sending it to the buyer of the NFT. Avaliable in the collection for

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A 1a. e maior fashion week latina de tecnologia imersiva se prepara para a sua 3º edição e, dessa vez, com um formato inédito. Em 2022, a BRIFW está ainda mais phygital, apresentando um evento em modelo híbrido.
Agora, fica o dilema: participar presencialmente ou pelo metaverso?

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