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Faces of your art!
I'm not sure who to tag. So, feel free to QRT to keep this going!
PS: Yes, I really do love Piccolo, and purposefully chose to just share faces of him that I have made, here. 😂 https://t.co/5Ad75guuwk
Alt version with the colors of "DBS Super Hero", because i used references from DBZ and DBS for the colors of Piccolo, not from the actual movie.
Orange Piccolo, that is all 🍊 Day 243!
@DbsHype I'll throw out some unlikely picks that although unlikely would be super cool to see.
King Piccolo, Karoly, Tekka, Pinich & the DBH avatars
As the powered-up Goku sets out for his rematch with Piccolo, Karin encourages him by saying he’s betting on Goku…which we later learn is a total friggin’ lie. Instead, Karin merely hoped Goku might fight Piccolo to a draw, leaving them both dead. Not a nice cat.
Beast Gohan And Orange Piccolo!!!
Heeyyyy, i´m back, my computer is fixed and commissions are reopened, (I´m still gonna call piccolo ,Dragon Power piccolo, i will never like the name)#Gohan #piccolo #Goku #DragonBall #DragonBallZ
Un peu raté ce Piccolo, vraiment pas simple à adapter dans son propre style sans le dénaturer
Story Assets DDL 12-26-22 {Gohan, Piccolo, Pan, Goten, Trunks, Cell Max, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Android 18, Krillin, Bulma, Dr. Hedo, Dr. Gero, DBS Super Hero Logo, JP} [THREAD] https://t.co/I0I1LrK8jv
E poi chissà che il giorno dopo,
può anche darsi,che
qualche pezzetto di Natale
non vi rimanga attaccato addosso
Basterebbe anche un pezzetto
molto piccolo,il Cielo in fondo
si accontenta di poco,
non vi domanda di più
J'ai tenté de corriger ce qui me déplaisait dans le design d'Orange Piccolo, à savoir ses bras oranges vifs qui juraient avec le reste du corps
#DragonBallSuperSuperHero #DragonBallSuper
Vieni vicino al mio petto
più stretto
nascere piccolo, è cadere nel tempo.
Da - non terra, - non dove
così rovinosa
Da spirito- in polvere
La etapa original de Dragon Ball merece un remake, porque merece volver a tener presencia y que la gente la valore como realmente se debe.
No solo la saga de Piccolo, hay mucho más antes de eso.
Story Assets DDL 10-18-22 {Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Videl, Gohan, Piccolo, Ginyu, Jeice, Saonel, Pirina, Penenko, JP} [THREAD] https://t.co/oE7RBQZ4RW