when a painting is coming along its always such a pickmeup. especially when you're at that leg of the project when you're trying to get your head through a wall to figure out the approach, and then you get your head through that wall and it all feels better

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"Did you know you could do that? 'Cause I'm learning new stuff about myself, like, all the time!"

Meet Violet Hughes!
Read her biography here:

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!!! What an amazing compliment and such an honor! Thank you so much, I really needed this pickmeup today! You're so kind! I'll be sure to follow these amazing peeps as well! <3

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Anyone need a has got you covered.

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【 活動報告🐯】
第1部はsmallworldさん主催SUNDAY PICKMEUPイベント。池田公園内を綺麗にしたあとは街へ出て拾った。途中、ツッコミどころ満載のゴミはちょっと笑った。通る交差点では制御装置(?)の上に缶やペットボトルが乗ってて悲しかった。

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Before I go do some mistletoes here's a pickmeup for ;;v;; ganba

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a couple doodle sketches i drew for my friends who needed a small pickmeup ;;w;;

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A small pickmeup for reitan- canele/wolf parody w eijikiyo

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We loved this amazing piece of 'The Walled Garden' for the talented

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