digimon line commission for an anonymous commissioner who requested a "puppeteer princess" line

Pinkmon, Elizamon, Bathorimon, WeissBathorimon, and QueenPiedmon

10 88

Si mal no recuerdo en este juego
La digidex dice que wisemon es una sub especie o pariente de piedmon
Lo que es curioso

1 12

«Conti di Savoia: ritratto di Umberto Biancamano» (First half of the XVII cent.) by Piedmontese Painter
🏛️ La Venaria Reale

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today's clown of the day is Piedmon from Digimon!

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Bit of an odd line, but I just think Psychemon deserves a line that keeps its theme of “bright rainbow/psychedelic colors” so I think it works. Maybe Piedmon instead of Lotusmon??

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Happy birthday to Derek Stephen Prince (), the voice of DemiDevimon, Piedmon, Veemon (+evos), Ken Ichijouji in the Adventure series, Impmon (+evos) in Tamers, Dynasmon, Grumblemon/Gigasmon in Frontier, Jeremy Tsurugi, Zamielmon in Fusion, and more.🎂🎉

35 140

Another thing i saw, that others probably already know about but im posting anyway:

The Chaosdramon card has the silhouettes of what i assume are ChaosBlackWarGreymon, Chaos Piedmon, and Chaos Metalseadramon. So will we get some Neo Crimson art and cards soon? Please?

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today's clown of the day is Piedmon from Digimon!

50 248

Cleaning out my computer, and randomly found this in my files 😂
Don't ask me for the context because I don't remember it!

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These are what the former workers at Joey Drews studios looked like as humans before either have their souls taken and turn into cartoons by the ink machine or are just cartoon versions of them.

1. Allison Pendle
2. Bertrum Piedmont
3. Daniel "Buddy" Lewek
4. Grant Cohen

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Ahora le tocó a piedmon
El más grande! ✍️✨

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APPARENTLY I NEVER POSTED THIS ANYWHERE?? from the cthulhu game, Bertrum Piedmont got in an argument with.... Bertrum Piedmont!!! the rest of us are doing fine and definitely not endangered

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today's clown of the day is Piedmon from Digimon!

26 188

today's clown of the day is Piedmon from Digimon!

78 373

Ungumani's concepts.
I did a lot of studies before working on the illustration. These are the final results!

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Digireborn au/crossover part 8: Ace and their partner Piedmon! And look! He even got them a little Taka keychain <3

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Hm, next Redesign, but who first...

Funfakt, ich mag Boltboutamon überhaupt nicht. Ich mag die Idee des Designs, aber nicht die Umsetzung. Als Mega für Piedmon okay... aber nicht für Myotismon. Aber soll ja keiner sagen ich sei sexistisch und zeichne nur Frauen.

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today's clown of the day is Piedmon from Digimon!

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