画質 高画質

A young woman in her mid-20s with shoulder-length brown bob hair and large green eyes, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, leaning forward excitedly, eyes sparkling with anticipation, while a cool and silent male spy in his late-20s with short dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a stoic… https://t.co/Cz2sKDCUk3

0 2

Always wondoring what is Alhaitham's collar bone piercing for....
So comes out this little story! 😆

1679 13209

nana’s new eyebrow piercing

739 5665

jjkart! gojo piercing? gojo piercing (art by sender)

1 45

Pio’s piercings are actually more tame than the other ☀️ members https://t.co/tUCIGhW0Jq

436 2426

wat if…gaming…piercings…real…

332 3915

i'd like to think VersusXIII Prompto has a few scars and piercings

25 120

wolf hair × tongue piercing (shirted is in the tree)

771 5943

Just give him tattoos & piercings...

0 45

皐月さん()主催の『Armor Piercing』で今回の冬コミで頒布された『GUN EZ maniacs』にて掲載させていただいたイラストです〜

192 693

サークルArmor Piercingさんで冬コミにて頒布された「GUN EZ maniacs」に寄稿した"ジュンコ・ジェンコ" のイラストです。
"私服" というお題に「あの状況での休日をどんな服を着て過ごしたのだろう?」と、そんなことを考えながら描いてみました
の通販も始まっておりますので宜しければ! https://t.co/dy0JJ0y1Bf

25 71

Armor Piercing vs. Multi-Shot

751 5646

Get to know me 🌸
✧ Pronouns: She/her
✦ Height: 1.56cm
✧ Shoe size: 39/40
✦ Zodiac: Leo
✧ Tattoos: 0
✦ Piercings: 0 (only earrings)
✧ Fav color: ✨💛!
✦ Fav drink: Coca Cola https://t.co/KMzmGkNrag

0 5



69 337

forgot the side hairs

main focus on Ivy is to have style that is close to mine
hair, scar, piercings


11 132

my ysdn <33 (it seems that after all this time i still fucked up his piercings lollll)
<--- 2022 ---->2023

72 813

artist! kebayang ga si seberapa cakepnya satoru pake piercings 🤤 ayuk para jjk fans berk☁️ yuu~~

0 15

サークル「Armor Piercing」さんの新刊 に寄稿する "ジュンコ・ジェンコ" のイラスト作業が終わったぁ~(*´▽`*)


21 71

サークル「Armor Piercing」さんの新刊 に寄稿する "ジュンコ・ジェンコ" のイラスト作業

「雪風よ……目を小さく、目を小さく描くんじゃッ!!」と呟きながらペンを走らせる……速度的には歩ませるですが(;´Д`A ```

9 54