"Just standing there... menacingly" 😭

Shop GuineaDad Pea Flakes by clicking https://t.co/9o9MOdayDX 💚

1 6

Why are the smallest of the herds always the bossiest? They're always the ones that show dominance the most lol

Shop GuineaDad Liners by clicking https://t.co/qq7KtpRVZG 🧡

1 3

So thoughtful 🙄🧡

Shop GuineaDad Liners by clicking the link in bio 👀

1 5

The third door can get you into a lot of trouble 🙃

Shop GuineaDad Liners by clicking https://t.co/yAnUTaTEHp ! 🧡

0 4

Scent marking is a sign of dominance, who's the dominant piggy in your herd?

Shop GuineaDad Crunchy Condos by clicking https://t.co/yAnUTaTEHp 🧡

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You know that voice you use only on your pets, the one only they understand? 😂

Click https://t.co/K0jc3THN1i to shop GuineaDad Hay Bars! 🧡

0 4

Can't a human just open the fridge without anyone wheeking at them?

Click https://t.co/5445Qojp4D to shop!

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