20 years later ago Piglet's Big Movie was released in theatres March 21, 2003. When I was 11 I love this movie back into my old childhood memories and miss our beloved voice talent John Fiedler (1925–2005)

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H3ロケットの第二段エンジンが着火しないため急遽、自らを犠牲にして着火を試みる豚さん    https://t.co/9Bq5KtPIll

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Happy Valentine’s Day, my little piglets!

I hope you all have a wonderful day, whoever you spend it with! Partners, friends, or just loving yourself! I want to thank all of you for being my friends, and if you need someone to talk to today, my DMs are open!

I love you all! ❤️

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proud worm dads!!!

context: TimJim as lobopodians. Timmy=Diania cactiformis, Jimmy=Luolishania longicruris. Lobopodians *could be* the ancestors to Tardigrades. and the episode "Moss Piglets" is all about Tim and Jimmy teaching tardigrades to dance <3

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あけましておめでとうございます! 今年も豚さんをよろしくお願いいたします!    https://t.co/T0m9MRa2ge

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Some glitter piglets for y'all before I go to sleep.😴

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