AU where Red is a girl!

You, with your 16 badges, combined from both Kanto and Johto, and bearing the title of The Pokémon League champion...You climb Mt. Silver...

At the peak is Red and her Pikachu...

She says: ...
*insert AU Red theme here* starts playing

15 45

May 14, 2015. By: Petite-Brioche
[33 Yeahs!] [12 replies] (EU)
"Voici mon petit Pikachu... Je n'ai pas pu continuer mon dessin précédent car j'avais pas sauv... Pikachu dessiné vite fait ^^'"

0 0

“Post your fave Pokémon and let people judge you” so what do y’all think?

Squirtle is my all time favorite pokemon as well as my very first one.

Fat Pikachu. Not the modern thinner one. I want the chubby one!



0 6

Nov 01, 2014. By: Kdreamer89
[4 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Pikachu... Exercise"

0 0

"Nunca te rindas hasta el final" Eso lo aprendí de ustedes y hasta la fecha jamás lo he olvidado, ni lo haré...
Gracias por tanto bellos recuerdos Ash y Pikachu.

28 60

It's so surreal.
When I woke up, it hit me that by now Ash and Pikachu had already concluded their journey over in Japan. I dropped off of the Pokémon anime YEARS ago, but I still felt like saying goodbye.
Gotta Catch Em All!

5 11

“This is just the beginning of the amazing adventures of Ash and Pikachu. And as their story unfolds, we’ll unlock the magic and mystery of a most wondrous place…

The incredible world of Pokémon!”


12 52

Thank you Ash and Pikachu. The Pokemon anime is my childhood and a huge inspiration to me. I think I had to draw them one last time before their leave.

21 88

Oct 24, 2014. By: opalpika13
[13 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (US)
"My first free paint drawing of Pikachu. I like how it turned out!"

0 0

For a time, it was these 4.
Not sure if they were "iconic" enough, but most of them were liked, faved and used in situations beyond my control.

Yes, 2 of them involves Pikachu. And I don't find that weird at all.

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Oct 24, 2014. By: ZipoCXG
[3 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Pokémon Art Academy finally out in North America! First drawing of Pikachu."

0 0

I always get confused when people say Charizard is a bad Pokémon because he’s “over used”. I think he’s badass and I see him as the second mascot to the series so of course they’re gonna put him in everything just like Pikachu.

24 365

A slightly rushed drawing of the gamer girl with a weird looking Pikachu.

Happy birthday !

3 13