Princess Pikky👑🐸 

206 1677

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Kunikida Hanamaru

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by NorppArt.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

8 39

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Koizumi Hanayo
「No brand girls」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by alys.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

7 45

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Tojo Nozomi
「No brand girls」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by sampai_sam.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

9 54

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Yuki Setsuna
「Nijiiro Passions!」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by sampai_sam.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

2 25

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Sonoda Umi
「KiRa-KiRa Sensation!」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by nagisa.mdp.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

6 44

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
UR Kunikida Hanamaru
「Hey, Kotori! / Pure White」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.
Idolized transparent fan-made by nagisa.mdp.

7 41

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Watanabe You
「Feels So Super Soft / MIRACLE WAVE」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by sampai_sam.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

6 88

🆕 Transparent available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
Still - Mia Taylor

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Fan-made by Epikkyu.

7 26

🆕 Transparent available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
Still - Kurosawa Dia, Kurosawa Ruby

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Fan-made by Epikkyu.

8 49

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Asaka Karin
「Nijiiro Passions!」

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by nagisa.mdp.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

5 24

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Matsuura Kanan

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by NorppArt.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

4 24

🆕 Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Sakurauchi Riko

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Unidolized transparent fan-made by sampai_sam.
Idolized transparent fan-made by Epikkyu.

9 46

Haven't shared that much art here, but I give you a vent art that I did and I'm calling it "Spikky" :'DD

0 2

🆕Transparent available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
Still - Kurosawa Dia, Kurosawa Ruby

🌟 🌟

The transparent is fan-made by Epikkyu.

10 50

🆕Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Kousaka Honoka (Smile) (Guard)
「KiRa-KiRa Sensation」

🌟 🌟

The unidolized transparent is fan-made by Storm_The_NB.
The idolized transparent is fan-made by Epikkyu.

5 37

🆕Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
UR Matsuura Kanan (Pure) (SP)
「Moo Moo Farm Days」

🌟 🌟

The unidolized transparent is fan-made by cloverr.
The idolized transparent is fan-made by Epikkyu.

7 49

🆕Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
UR Sakurauchi Riko (Smile) (Voltage)
「Resplendent New Year」

🌟 🌟

The unidolized and idolized transparents are fan-made by Epikkyu and sampai_sam.

11 75

🆕Transparents available on 🌼 Idol Story 🎀!
SR Nishikino Maki (Elegant) (SP)
「KiRa-KiRa Sensation!」

🌟 🌟

The unidolized transparent is fan-made by sampai_sam.
The idolized transparent is fan-made by Epikkyu.

10 76

ให้เจ้าเป็นเด็กดี ให้เจ้ามีพลัง ให้เจ้าเป็นความหวังของแม่ต่อไป🤲🏻🐱 # HappyPikkyboobooNongHibariKyoyaMyCuteNarakTeeSudDeeleddeeyeamDay

14 10