Yay! Another art! If anyone can guess which meme this pose is based off of then you win the internet. I’m about to submit my portfolio to the KSF team in hopes of being in the art show this year. Fingers crossed

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In seriousness folks please take care of yourself and be safe out there since everything’s closing down and you’re never gonna know if the virus is out there. And for the love of god use Soap and warm water!

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Here is my stuff. It was much better than last year for sure but I would like to work more on my comic as well as more detailed art pieces. Now that I’m taking ADD pills it should help be more focused. Cheers to the roaring 20’s!

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Here it is! The cover of my comic that I'm working on. I'm about to go on journey of drawing out the story of this puppet's downward spiral of insanity.

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