Captain Skull-o-head is the spectre of a very asshole Pirate. He swear and screams alot, treat his partner in crime like a shit because "she's just a scrurry wom'n" and basically have the whole bigot/Sexist/bad personality pack and He's PROUD of it.
He also get a lot of buttkick

0 2

"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

2 1

"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

7 4

My third, fourth and fifth nominations to go to , , and

Each one of them displayed a mastery in the arts and used it to amaze us with their talent.

Inky even made a flattering portrait of my pirate. 🏴‍☠️

4 16

To err is human, to Arr is pirate.

2 12


That's horse for you can hear me as this wonderful Pirate.......Horse.....Centaur.....Thing.... in the latest batch of One Piece episodes. I also show up as a few bits here and there as well and laugh a lot! Lots of laughing...lots...
Thanks for the cast!

9 46

"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

1 1

A Splash of Fortunate Colors

I am trying some things out and thank you for letting me reference his pirate.

2 11

An OC from my open species the Salamandron a swamp and ocean dwelling race. My undead Kelpie Lagoona, my Hippocampus pirate captain Ceto and Samedi my Crocodile/Dragonfish hybrid Voodoo pirate.

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A concept art of a new pvz zombie oc.
Her name is Captain Deadeye.
Very ruthless and greedy pirate. Loves hunting Marigolds for their golds.

It’s been a while since the last time I drew a zombie character :>
Hope y'all like it

19 105

Hop un nouvel oc sauvage 👀 J'adore les pirates. C'est un pirate. Donc je l'adore.

1 4

Withered Foxy Quotes: “Yar-har-har-har-har! Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate. Or a fox for that matter!” “Argh, I came for ye booty! ...That be treasure, y'know.” and “Arr, so much more spacious in here! I may stay a while.”

0 1

Well it might be too late lol but this is Nirina StormCaller my Tempest Cleric Pirate. She's a water Genasi based on eels and deep sea creatures. She's got bioluminescence and moray eel teeth.
She's the first mate of a pirate ship and probably in my top 3 favorite DND OCs lol

0 0

"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

1 1

The doll is this pirate.

0 1

"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

2 3

"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

2 2