🎨Artist Maximilian Pirner 1854-1924
"At dawn", 1883-1884

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This work was inspired by artist from Sušice, Maximilian Pirner entitled "HEKATE".
Inspired by body gestures, 3 female layouts, atmosphere and colors.

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Hecate by Maxmillián Pirner, 1901

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Amai la verità che giace al fondo,
quasi un sogno obliato, che il dolore
riscopre amica. Con paura il cuore
le si accosta, che più non l’abbandona.

- Umberto Saba -

Amanti nella piccola barca

🎨 Maximilian Pirner

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The Birth of Eros, by Maximilian Pirner.

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Just re-discovering Maximilian Pirner (1854-1924) a wondrous Czech painter, whose paintings have an eerie, plaintive sensuality in his many depictions of death or dying.
'The Silence.'

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Gan Ceanach is known as the love talker. A Northern Irish fairy with dark eyes and no shadow, birds went silent when he appeared in the lonely glens, seducing young maidens before vanishing, leaving them to pine to death...


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Maxmilian Pirner - Konec všech věcí - Finis (1887)

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Hekate by Maxmilián Pirner, 1901

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Maximilian Pirner
(Czech, 1880-1919).
Pohřeb Víly, 1888

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Là! Hai visto
quella scintilla volare su di noi?
Cosa sarà, amore, se presto
la tua stella fosse lanciata sopra un’onda?
Sembrerebbero le tenebre un sepolcro?
Svaniresti tu, amore, svaniresti?

David Herbert Lawrence

Max Pirner

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“Luminoso e lieto domani sarà il mattino. Questa vita è stupenda,sii dunque saggio, cuore. Tu sei prostrato, batti più sordo, più a rilento..
Sai,ho letto che le anime sono immortali”.

M Pirner

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"The End of All Things" by Maximilian Pirner (1887).

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'Funeral of a Fairy' by Maximilian Pirner

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Medusa, by Maxmilián Pirner

In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of the three monstrous Gorgons, generally described as winged human females with living venomous snakes in place of hair.

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- Maximilian Pirner
The End of All Things, 1887

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Hecate was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She received her power over heaven, earth and sea.
Hecate meaning "Worker from Afar"

/ Maximilian Pirner b.1854

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