Another birthday🥳 present for: Me 🎈✨💜

Thst includes my Rose Fish boys 🌹🐠🐠and their beloved Moon 🌙💜

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- Happy birthday, Albafica! -

A little contribution to this day because I loved him so much that I did an OC with same name, same appearance... Because he deserves it 💙

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🌹Watercolor painting style, like my last pic for Aphrodite ♓️

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When the cyberpunk theme finished, I may do some works for steampunk.

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Get an extra day off for the holiday due to the weather, so have more time playing 🌹♓️🌹

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Tiny purple lizard has been captured and overwhelmed by cuddles! 💙💜💙🥺

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💙: *💋💖💗💋💕💋💞*

💜: What's up to you today Alba?

💙:What? i'm not allow to show affection to my beloved?

💜: N-no ⁄(⁄ ⁄◡⁄~⁄◡⁄ ⁄)⁄ 💕

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I think I created a plot here. "Why are you so sad Albafica? " "Because Minos and his giant Griffin destroyed my kingdom!" 😆

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