Surprise! Roxy, this pose is priceless! I HAD to paint you! And thank you Roxys parents, who work so hard everyday to help Roxy recover and get stronger every day❤️🐾

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This is Onix, he recently crossed the rainbow bridge and his mommies good friend asked for a piece. In honor of Onix 100% of the proceeds went to Gracies pit bull rescue ❤️ RIP love

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Look at this beauty I got the pleasure to paint! Another commission means another great donation. Next week I’ll be putting together a donation basket, dog beds and good food yay!

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This week bee barr, your pups wide eyes and smile made my week wonderful! Painting your pup was fantastic and by commissioning this piece you had also helped pups in need. What a wonderful week!

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Ed this week I couldn’t help but paint those puppy dog eyes. Your a thoughtful person to all your friends here on twitter and all your pups at home, thank you for being you. 😊

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Eesh I know it's been a minute since y'all last heard from me! Been a crazy couple of weeks here. BUT I did manage to finish miss Sadie!

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Okay guys, started a Instagram and would love my follows on twitter to follow me and I’ll follow you. Would like to see familiar faces 😁

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Layla’s team commissioned me to do a piece about her rescue pup and the day they meet. Her story is amazing, downs and highs but always full of heart, someone you dog lovers should check out. Great person, great dog ❤️

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Bath time! “But moooooom” no but’s son, your a white pup. Plus it’s warm and sunny, waters nice.

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