
"Pokemon Trainer Sprite PixelArt"ってやつ。

同時に紹介されてるdownscale extensionも使えば本当にドット絵も生成可能。

29 114

Quiero darte las gracias, fue con tu reto de "15 días pixelart" que empecé algo que siempre quise aprender. Eso sumado a los tips que habían en el sv de discord y en tu canal de youtube me llevaron al nivel que tengo hoy día y espero mejorar.
Muchas gracias!

3 7

A "pixelart" of my tails exe called vixen

I'll just say that

10 39

"a dramatic and beautiful painting of 🐉🎱 (CLIP guided diffusion)

4 26

Prompt: "the gateway between dreams

1 12

"Nordic snowy cyberpunk city under the aurora, painting by Frederic Edwin Church", "#pixelart"

Pixel Art Diffusion v1.0
Dimensions: 1792 x 448

[click for full size]

2 14

Finally got working! This thing is so coool <3 (Prompt: "A colorful lush valley from a strange alien planet", "#pixelart afrofuturism", "#pixelart")

3 12

"the rise of consciousness, pixel art diffusion

14 118

"a gateway between dreams, pixel art diffusion

47 258

Boa noite e aqui uma "pixelart" que uma inteligência artificial fez pra mim, e não se precuupe eu já agradeci o robô por fazer essa obra prima

0 3

Full art for Abomination Path Color
Prompt: "Abomination path color, steampunk goblin cleric, speedpainting concept art artstation

0 8

Whelp, my consists of... December. But I've gone from "never done to making a character, animating her walk/run cycle (also a first), and starting to making a tileset for my game. I've learned a lot thus far, but I've still got a long way to go

0 3

Full art for Archon of Wends
Prompt: "Phyrexian archon of the winds, speedpainting character concept art artstation pixelart"

0 10

Prompt: "a cute cupcake (CLIP guided diffusion)

7 39

Prompt: "This night sky is beautiful, I hug the one I love, The Cosmos of The Night Shines Vivid

5 18

Prompt: "cthulhu wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle

9 77

"Apocalyptic landscape by Lisa Frank

Amused at how the spooky skull-quadrupeds seem to lean in and turn toward the camera as they go out of frame.

19 97

"a phoenix flying through space among stars (CLIP guided diffusion)

11 50

"the forest of pikachu (CLIP guided diffusion)

3 27

Testing "pixelart" brushes I found, also really wanted to upload something that wasn't a sketch lol.

1 20