Pixelblog - 29 - Anime Faces and Hair
A good intro for those who want to make anime style pixel portraits https://t.co/emi1mYfANx

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Pixelblog 27 is out! Learn about various coral and algae in this ocean themed tutorial series https://t.co/D2zCg9CAOr

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Pixelblog - 22 - Top Down Characters
Animation, sprite sizing guidelines, choosing a screen size for your game, and more in this mega tutorial feature! https://t.co/vpEymjGMGA

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Pixelblog - 21 - Top Down Objects
We further bring the top down world to life with several natural and man made objects! https://t.co/EuSGxLtGyw

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Building a top down game world in my latest tutorial series. More to come in following lessons! https://t.co/18TvSpE60k

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Pixelblog - 13 - Rocks
Rocks are everywhere! Better learn how to draw them. Tutorials and tips on how to draw rocks, mountains, and more==>https://t.co/67mujpXvGP

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Pixelblog - 11 - Landscape Pixeling
Let’s explore the joy of pixeling landscapes==>https://t.co/iXFpPrUaFg

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Pixelblog - Color Palettes
Learn how I make custom color palettes with HSB==>https://t.co/frxvcRYp1i

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