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started this after playing the demo and being deeply invested in twewy pkmngo. i have now come back to finish it after beating the game and continuing to be invested in twewy pkmngo. rindragon...

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I drew this while I was in Scarborough after getting the shiny Magikarp on

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i got really emotional about the pkmngo buddy system, so heres me with lagoon

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more pkmnGO busts Kalyrra
$15 for your IRL self or your sona a pkmn and your team to REP

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Bunch of PKMNGO busts for $15
IRL you or SONA with pkmn and team logo to REP!

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(* ^ u ^)9 Nothings better then chilling outside with a bro and playing some PKmnGO

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MRW - Get the apk, but can't start cuz servers are dead because PkmnGO releases in 26 countries, and still no Canada

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