I've been posting these really small because I DREW them really small, & it feels weird to me for stuff to be seen enlarged rather than reduced. But I think I'll start posting these 2X-size from now on, since they're hard to see at-size digitally.
So far...

13 86

pirate Bartholemew Roberts, who was captured by pirates to whom he freely gave his opinions on how they could be better at piracy. In 6 weeks, he was elected (a reluctant) captain, and captured more prizes than any recorded pirate during piracy's golden age.

70 229

In celebration of I’m posting a pirate drawing (on this thread) every day. First up:
Killed 300 years ago this Thanksgiving off the coast of N Carolina, finally succumbing to the 5 musket & 20 sword wounds to his body before having his head lopped off.

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