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As early as 1948, Barbara McClintock discovered transposons – the „jumping genes“ in maize. This won her the Nobel Prize in 1983. Transposons play an important role in the generation of genetic variability in organisms. https://t.co/vLvZIBYMqs
Bold Leader Spotlight: Norman #Borlaug and the Fight Against World Hunger
🧑🎓He saved a billion people from starvation. He helped entire nations recover from the debilitating hunger through #plantbreeding.
#greenrevolution #foodsecurity #Food
Plant health: Keeping plants healthy while protecting the environment
#cropprotection #plantpathology #plantbreeding
🧑🎓🧬🌾💻🧑🌾The CGIAR Genebank Platform
➡️ supports the core activities of the #CGIAR genebanks:
➡️conserving and making available crop diversity
➡️It ensures that the genebanks meet #FAO standards
➡️ improve efficiency
#genebank #bankgenów #plantbreeding
Biotechnological and Digital Revolution for Climate-Smart Plant Breeding
Agronomy 2018, 8(12), 277; https://t.co/qf7JblBxFP
#plantbreeding #genomics #genetics #foodsecurity #biotechnology #climatechange #climatesmart
#greendeal #CAP
🧑🎓🧩🧑🌾The #CGIAR Genebank Platform
#Agriculture faces unprecedented challenges.
Genebanks keep #crop samples safe in storage; available to all who want to use them.
#genebank #bankgenów #cyfryzacja
#plantbreeding #hodowlaroślin #seed
VIDEO https://t.co/JwxeOFZY2i