'Alpha Games' is a superb return to form for , much-awaited, and an excellent entry to a fantastic and idiosyncratic discography.

It shows a great band engaging with their sound, yet growing and expanding.

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The deluxe version of ' pop-rock classic 'It's a Shame About Ray' includes demos, B-sides, and covers for its 30th anniversary.

"Evan Dando is one of the best songwriters of his generation."

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.'s NO MODERNISM WITHOUT LESBIANS (), a is a work of impeccable scholarship. -


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Every track on Lilly Hiatt's () shines with imaginative playing, spirited vocals, and sensitive, literate lyrics. It's truly a kick-ass record.

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When you feel you have absolutely no spare time, make time to read John Berger and ' WHAT TIME IS IT? (), a https://t.co/NsVuRGGmUC

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No, THE HOOKAH GIRL is not a graphic novel about smoking hash in hookah bars and hooking up with "exotic" belly dancers. https://t.co/hCciCs8oms

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.'s comic book is a devious, dark, disturbing, brilliant delight that will prove the standard bearer for texts from the resistance. Out now via . https://t.co/NNGeOs6kza

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