Random art I made on pocket procreate 😄 aka the stuff I put on Instagram because Twitter people don’t like it

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Character ✍🏾 for one of my 👻🙀📚 Full Disclosure: If someone 🤔’That looks a lot like Dez . . . 🪵 🚫 🐝 wrong! 😉 📱& ✋🏾🎨! 🚫🍎✏️

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Look What We Made! Pancake 🥞 Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat anyone?! Just in case you’re 👀ing for a fun thing to do!😉💪🏾#PocketProcreate 📱& ✋🏾🎨! 🚫🍎✏️

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Had to attend a family party last nigh, but I’m not much of a dancer 😅 So, I spent the night drawing this on my phone instead.

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Scruffy boi fancy for a bro’s wedding

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