(German: “Crystal Night”) , also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of Nov. 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The continued during the day of November 10, violence continued for several more days

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Vor 31 Jahren begannen die rassistischen Pogrome in Hoyerswerda. Umfangreiche Webdoku dazu unter https://t.co/gEt8F2Z1zL

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From "Shtetl, My Destroyed Home: A Remembrance" (1922), a set of 30 lithographs by the Jewish artist Issachar Ber Ryback. In the series Ryback depicts scenes from his home village in Ukraine before it was destroyed in the pogroms following WW1. More here: https://t.co/qJkYdfBj27

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Today in History (24-30 July 1983)

39 years ago, an Anti-Tamil Pogrom descended across Sri Lanka eventually escalating into mass violence killing thousands. This week, we'll be hearing the stories of the victims, trying to stop it from happening again.

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Irene Awret (30. Januar 1921 -6. Juni 2014) in Berlin geboren und dort als Kunstrestauratorin ausgebildet,floh nach den Novemberpogromen 1938 nach Belgien. Dort konnte sie als Dienstmädchen unbehelligt leben bis sie von einem Spitzel verraten und ins das SS-Sammellager Mechelen

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Why do I feel like at least one of these mysterious strangers is gonna be involved in a pogrom, the red cloaks guys might be okay but the black one seems bad news

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Come, My Beloved
Chapter 10: The Brides

In which the Ticovich sisters' wedding party gets a little out of control...

CW: Arranged Marriage, talk of antisemitism/pogroms

Art by


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English version of the comic in comments! 😌

Tak, jesteśmy z uzależnieni od biegania za potworami XDD

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Remembering Black July in Sri Lanka Black July is the common name used to refer to the anti-Tamil pogrom that occurred in Sri Lanka during July 1983 no

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Remembering Black July in Sri Lanka Black July is the common name used to refer to the anti-Tamil pogrom that occurred in Sri Lanka during July 1983

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A Git Szabbes ❤️🕎❤️ - Shabbat Afternoon, 1911

By Alfred Aaron Wolmark (1877 Warsaw - 1961 London), a painter, born into a Jewish family in Warsaw, who were amongst the many subsequently fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. He became a British citizen in 1894.

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Hey! Neat! I'm a Jewish Artist with an upcoming project this summer that features a lead character based on my family.

Named after my great grandmother that escaped the pogroms in Brest-Litovsk, Rahel is a character I've poured months of time and energy into.

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Every night in occupied Palestine is Kristallnacht.

Cartoon by Carlos Latuff

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FROM JEWISH PEOPLE & FRANCE: Fleeing from the pogroms in Lithuania, Pinchus Kremegne settled in Paris, like many other Jewish artists of the era, including his friend Chaim Soutine. We adore his way of showing natural beauty with luscious, radiant colors.

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(German: “Crystal Night”) , also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The continued during the day of November 10, and in some ... from Britannica

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• „Dresden: Jüdische Gemeinde stellt sich gegen Pegida-Demo am Jahrestag der Novemberpogrome“
• „Nationale Impfstrategie: Corona-Impfstoff zuerst für Risikogruppen und Beschäftigte der Daseinsvorsorge“

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„Dieter Nuhr findet seine Parallele „lustig und gut“:
Gegenwind für Pogrom-Vergleich“

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In den Novemberpogromen bereitete eine verblendete rasende Menge für immer Schuld und Schande über unsere Stadt, indem sie jüdische Geschäfte und Synagogen plünderten und verwüsteten. Juden, die eben noch als hochangesehene und ehrenwerte
Bürger, Nachbarn und Freunde in unserer..

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