Necesito en catalá i tambe que hibpoguem veure al
Aixo son els sintonies que tens quan rescates un fanart antic XD

3 14

He tingut l’enorme privilegi de participar també en la versió amb i us puc ben assegurar que li hem posat tot l’esforç i l’amor que es mereix aquesta súper producció i tant de bo pogueu gaudir-la als cinemes!!

Ens veiem a Pandora! 🌊

8 37

A space came up after a sale at my exhibition at the Four Candles micropub, Broadstairs, so I sneaked in this perennial favourite from Private Eye. Signed prints make great presents, come see the show or DM me 🎅

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Il 1928 nasceva Pittore della corrente Realista. Inizi fra astrattismo e figurativismo in contrasto con le tendenze del dopoguerra, mise in scena momenti di vita quotidiana a cicli tematici, rappresentando la solitudine umana ed il rapporto con la natura.

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Helena (age 10 from Leipzig, Germany) wants to encourage people to leave their cars at home and travel in a more eco-friendly way.🚴Check out The All-weather Bike, brought to life by Gary Pogue. Part of the top 10!

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元ネタ Pogues "Peace and Love"



1 12

Bailey! You are not get baby Pogue into trouble. She are da innocent baby! 😡 I are stomp my paw. Love, Jesse pug sausage angel 😇

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1984| Opus' Top 80 Alt. 45s

37| Style Council| Shout to the Top
38| Pogues| Boys from County Hell
39| Lloyd Cole| Forest Fire
40| Alarm| Deceiver

15 67

As Secretary of Education for President Pogue ,todays announcement is about History
Sadly,not all dogs have had a good past.If they have ended up in rescue they may have encountered bad stuff
See below&remember
There is no such thing as bad dogs,only bad owners

12 21

Introducing Ivy, Mystry, Voxane, Lucy, Susan From Lesiem! (?
A Fantastic Pogue Fashion Show is On!
Perfectionist Of Goods Ultra Exceptional
Let's enjoy the party!

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0 11

You are not hurt baby Pogue! I are watchin you. Love, Jesse pug sausage angel 😇

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12월5일 19시 45분
10마리의 포근이가 여러분을 찾아갑니다!

70번 포근이는 움직이는 포근이이니 이번기회를 놓치지마세요!

5 12

Benvinguda ✨Trinxeta✨

Per molts més anys els cassanencs i cassanenques et poguem seguir veient com portes màgia als nostres carrers i places ♥️

2 12

⭐️Klaypoguen 런칭기념 이벤트⭐️

포근이들이 12월3일 여러분들을 찾아갑니다!

1.klayPoguen트위터 팔로우
2.오픈카톡 참여
3.친구 3명태그
4.오픈카톡 닉네임이 보이게 캡쳐 댓글달기

공식 런칭 후 5마리의 포근이들을 추첨을
통해 지급됩니다.

140 163

Welcome poguen world!!!

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