
A spirit monster who was exiled into highlands when he was younger, where he sampled herbs and extracted the essence of poison.


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A spirit monster who takes pleasure in meditating alone while enclosing its head in a cup and expelling the poison from its body.


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A spirit monster who may paralyze the threat with the use of its poisonous horn, leaving the threat helpless and open to the lion's venom.


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A Pokémon who can generate energy by modifying poison's chemical composition. Through its skin, it transmits the electrical toxin.

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毒牙 / Poison Fang
本名子辰,能幹可靠的寶可領航員少年。如同飯匙蛇般性格多疑又謹慎,喜歡繪圖創作的心改變了尾部鋒利的刀刃,成為巨大的排刷,與貓鼬斬碎爪互為童年好友與勁敵。 English Translation in next reply-

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A spirit monster whose housekeeping prowess includes holding dual blades; it can also stand on poisonous clouds, change shape, and move swiftly.

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A Pokemon whose horn or a drop of poison from its barbs can be fatal because to the very strong poisons that its spines and horn emit.

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A Pokémon who encircles its enemies and immobilizing them; it used its poisonous tail and teeth to strike and poison its prey.

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◆ You and I drink the poison from the same vine ◆

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English Translation

The purehearted, the vixen or the poison.

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Rei-chan is undead and therefore immune to poison.
So this spooky shake is perfectly safe.🥤🛡️👻

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