Since you’re sharing yours- out teams for them have a few of the same Pokèmon 😅

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Type: Fairy/Dragon
The Saber-toothed Pokèmon
Aletigre seems to be a very ancient species, with the oldest fossils being 2 Million years old, its many adaptations might be the result of them evolving in a completely different ecosystem from the one they live in today,

7 26

Type: Fairy/Dragon
The Fanged Pokèmon
To many Alejito look like a mix of many different Pokèmon species, tough this seems to be a coincidence. Legends say that they appear in the dreams of humans to heal them of their fever, but this has never been proven true.

5 22

Jun 14, 2015. By: Reeceh
[2 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"I like Pokèmon Art Academy"

0 0

My friend bet me a drink that an couldn't make an image of a "smacking the lip" and "getting barreled"
First attempt. I won the drink. 🏄🍻

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Just finished watching "Pokèmon: The Arceus Chronicles", which just dropped today on Netflix. LOVED them going back to my favorite region, Sinnoh; VERY intense battle with elements of a kaiju fight. Go watch now if you haven't already 🤩🤩🤩👍👍👍💯💯💯

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After a long time, I put something in this profile xd
Me and had created a Tokyo revengers AU where we combined the story of TR and pokèmon
Here is the pokèmon version of our favorite Filipino ^^

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Day 48
Today we have the single best character of the Pokemon franchise and also by far my favorite Pokemon character
N(atural Harmonia Gropius) - Pokèmon Black and White

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