On nous annonce que le Marisson ayant lieu aujourd’hui pourrait être perturbé par le blocus des Pokéstop par les Keckléon qui militent pour plus de visibilité au sein de la communauté

(Mais qui se rappelait encore de lui honnêtement ?)

3 55

These pokéstops???!?

0 34

Et c'est partit pour une pluie de cartes du set Pokémon Go ! Du shiny, des personnages, des Pokéstop (ne faites pas tourner les cartes), y a de tout !
➡️ https://t.co/OrsEhbLYXV

7 43

Wish there were PokéStops and Pokémon gyms around here within walking distance.

Really missing out getting great legendary Pokémon like Zacian and Zamazenta in Pokémon GO. :’v

2 8

Pokémon GO trainer finished. She ate all the berries from the Pokéstops...

11 100

In 2016 I took a stab at designing the from as in-universe miniature that might be seen in a mainline game as bodegas or vending machines!

0 3

July 2141, Spain conquered Samoa territory previously occupied by Pitcairn Islands.
➡️ Pitcairn Islands has been completely defeated.
➡️ Spain has conquered the world.
➡️ Niantic activates Pokéstop submissions in Spain.

19 137

Came to visit - Turns out there was like 3 Pokéstop lures live while I was at , dang

24 92