Happy I have loved this series since I was a little girl and will probably continue to love it till I'm an old one 😍

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🌼🏝️☀️ Pokebrew: Alola ☀️🏝️🌼

Beach vibes~ I'm finally done with all 8 regions in this series!! I'll be releasing the full set on my shop over the next few months 🌺 What Pokemon fanart series should I work on next?

386 1184

🌙🌁☕ Pokebrew: Unova ☕🌁🌙

Continuing with the Pokebrew series! I think the coffee cup is my favourite part of this pic ☺️ What did you guys enjoy most about Unova? For me it's definitely gotta be the bustling cities, they felt so full of life!

435 1365

Finally received these in the mail and I love how they turned out!! I can't wait to release them in my June shop update ☀️ It will be on Sat 22 June, 12pm EST!

113 508

🌨️🌲🌷 Pokebrew: Sinnoh 🌷🌲🌨️

I realised while painting this that I actually really, really love the Sinnoh region ;v; My memory of it is lots of flowers and snow, just a really peaceful feeling. Makes me want to go back and play it 💜🌸

1615 4195

🌊🌿🌧️ Pokebrew: Hoenn 🌧️🌿🌊

Simple raindrops for my favourite region ☔ All the water routes are so enjoyable!! I started my Pokemon journey with Hoenn so it will always hold a special place in my heart 💕

1068 2878

☁️🌻🌱 Pokebrew: Galar 🌱🌻☁️

I was so excited for Gen 8 that I broke the order of this series and jumped straight to Galar QvQ The environments there look amazing!! Can't wait for the game to be released~ Have you guys chosen your starter yet?

914 2694