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#Pokeddexy Day 5 - Favourite Fairy Type - Igglybuff
This pick was for my wife, who loves the Iggly/Jiggly/Wiggly/Buff/Puff/Tuff line!
#pokeddexy2017 #pokeddexyday5 #pokeddexydayfive #igglybuff #ププリン
#Pokeddexy Day 4 - Favourite Electric Type - Mareep
This was an easy one to pick-- the Mareep line is THE BEST electric type line! And I love how it turned out. The fluff looks so fluffy!!!
#pokeddexy2017 #pokeddexyday3 #pokeddexydaythree #mareep #メリープ
#Pokeddexy Day 3 - Favourite Dragon Type - Dratini
It was tough trying to pick a dragon type since they're all so cool! But I love Dratini because I still have a love of the originals! Also, Dratini is cute!
#pokeddexy2017 #pokeddexyday2 #pokeddexydaytwo #dratini #ミニリュウ