Pokemon Doduno
The flightless bird Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This pre-evolution to Doduo has brought up many questions amongst Pokemon Professors. The existence of a third head in this form that seemingly disappears upon evolution is currently a mystery.

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Pokemon Idem
The metal transformation Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This strange evolution to Ditto has a rather mysterious property to it. When it changes it form, the new form gains the metal typing along with a metal sheen to it.

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Pokemon Parit
The tiny fungi Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

A newly discovered baby Pokemon, this Pokemon will eventually evolve into Paras. It dosent yet have very good control over it's spores, so it tends to sneeze often.

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Pokemon Aerofsh
The flying fish Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon loves swimming in and out of the water. It will slice through the water like a knife on both it's exit and re-entry.

While this Pokemon is very friendly to humans, it dosent get along

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Pokemon Redish
The tiny fish Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon has been found to evolve into Goldeen, though the exact circumstances of how it came to be are currently unknown. Like most Baby Pokemon, it is fairly defenceless.

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Pokemon Pichu (Round Form)
The round mouse Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

The exact circumstances leading to this form is currently unknown. What is known about this Pokemon is that the form has given it the normal type in addition to the electric type.

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Pokemon Speark
The spear shark Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This evolution to Charko has moved on from trying to stay hidden near shipwrecks. Now this Pokemon spends it's days trying to sink boats for it's young to hide near.

Although this Pokemon is a skilled

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Pokemon Charko
The chain shark Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon can often be seen swimming around locations heavy with shipwrecks. It has a tendency to sharpen it's teeth on the anchors lost at sea.

Though this Pokemon has a brutish look to it,

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Pokemon Pufazap
The electric balloon Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

Exposure to high electric energy had caused Qwilfish to evolve into this Pokemon. The introduction to electricity has destroyed most if not all of the poison found in it's body. Now it prefers to

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Pokemon Tangreth
The tangled vine Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This evolution to Tangela is a rather elusive Pokemon. Having grown up with only one eye, this Pokemon now uses it's hair like vines to conceal it's eyes completely. No one knows what is behind it's

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Pokemon Tengy
The short vine Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon likes swinging from tree branches using it's vine like hair. Unfortunately, because of it's single eye, it often misses the branches entirely and falls to the ground.

Despite the vines on

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Pokemon Embur
The small fox Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

Despite being a Fire-type, this Pokemon is rarely warm to the touch. In face, it quite often will hide in blankets in order to warm itself up.

This Pokemon is often found in clothing stores,

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Pokemon Geabora
The watchful owl Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This evolution to Hoothoot is known to stalk graveyards and playgrounds. Some say it is watching over the dead as they rest. Others, however, believe it is simply watching out for others who might not

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Pokemon Ledistar
The star bug Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

While it's still unclear how this evolution works, what is known about this Pokemon is that it is an evolved form of Ledyba that can then evolve into a Ledian. It seems strangely timid, no one knows why.

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Pokemon Laquidoar
The super suds Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

While normally found deep in the ocean, this Pokemon can sometimes be seen near the surface. It usually comes up with other Pokemon trapped in it's bubbles that it was escorting away from its nest.

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Pokemon Lauter
The sea foam Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon enjoys bubbles more than anything else. It will proudly cover entire fields with it's bubbles, just so it can bounce stop them one by one while it listens to them pop.

While commonly sighted

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Pokemon Laqua
The liquid bubble Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

While this Pokemon loves the sea, it has trouble with deep waters as it can't swim well. Because of this, it normally stays near shallow beaches where it knows it is safe.

This Pokemon adores bubbles,

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Pokemon Flambark
The white mane Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

The mane upon it's neck is said to burn white hot. If you attempt to pet it without it's permission, you will surely get burned. Those who have felt it say it rivals no other in terms of softness.

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Pokemon Flammenstolz
The proud flame Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon is fiercely loyal. When one is seen on someone's porch, it is said to never leave it's post.

Flammenstolz are rarely seen in groups together. Instead, these Pokemon will seek out

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Pokemon Flambear
The flame cub Pokemon
Art by _elite.4_

This Pokemon has a habit of following trainers around. It likes to cuddle up to them and warm it with it's fiery tail.

This Pokemon's tail is not actually on fire. Instead, it glows red with the heat

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