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I've been playing with a Pokemon fusion site lately...and I honestly love some of the creations.

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bonus throwback art of some lil' guys I drew 8 years ago :3

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the grand return of kirby x pokemon - featuring friends foes and thats really it

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Mogeko March Day 16 - Crossover
Olivia as a Pokemon Trainer :) I think Eevee suits her best

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Question: What’s your top 4 favourite bug type Pokemon?

Here’s mine: https://t.co/MYgRTZCU3z

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Luego de 3 meses, le complete la comi a @/HorionStar

Disculpame por la demora, se que te debo aun un par de cositas, te quiero muchis

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I'm eating pizza and streaming more Pokemon Infinite Fusion! https://t.co/3Sr4VLpjXP 🫰

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Thanks for the replies on my last tweet! I will gradually work on those requested mons 💪

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the bug pokemon ever

though i still wholeheartedly believe slither wing was robbed of bug/dragon smhh https://t.co/B5hCOiWdMb

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Pokemon Au - Partners in Crime ✨

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Gengar's face is this Pokemon VHS tho

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Bunch of Ghetsises. Ghetsi? Ghetsussies

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