画質 高画質

[#Pokemon / Sixth and final part of my Sword team gijinka (Dragapult, G-Max Meowth, Duraludon, Runerigus)! https://t.co/DKGfKtFja8

41 227

[#Pokemon / Part 5 of my Sword team gijinka (Hatterene, Polteageist, Flapple, and G-Max Charizard)! https://t.co/321DZCPPUS

45 245

[#Pokemon / Part 4 of my Sword team gijinka (Galarian Weezing, Falinks, Centiskorch, Dracozolt)! https://t.co/73T9zpg5cp

41 286

[#Pokemon / Part 3 of my Sword team gijinka (Coalossal, Sandaconda, Grimmsnarl, Arctozolt)! https://t.co/LdtBIclAeJ

43 340

[#Pokemon / Part 2 of my Sword team gijinka (Obstagoon, Toxtricity Low Key, Sirfetch'd, and Perrserker)! https://t.co/9Ng1AG8XUE

78 561

[#Pokemon / Part 1 of my Sword team gijinka (Rillaboom, Orbeetle, Corviknight, Drednaw)! The plot of this one is about an ecology study trip that ends up uncovering the region's hidden history...

153 1151

剣盾よりビートくん Bede

5 17

Zacian -
Someone in the comments suggested that I draw Zacian. This was truly a "trust the process" drawing, the sketch did not give me high hopes at all. Despite that, I really like how it turned out.

sword dog :)

57 365

"I like your spirit, kid! Follow me, why don't you."

342 1024

its almost done‼️#pokemonsweetland

3 16