The process for the Breakout Mawile. So far she's the most detailed (read annoying) when it comes to coloring so I had to create a whole process going foward to save time.

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I spent some extra time playing around with style for Mawile. Below colored lined and Lineless style.

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Had to draw the all time favorite mon ,shiny of course. They caught her sleeping so it's taken longer for her to break out.

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Don't know if anyone cares but here's a process for Bulbasaur

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Bulbasaur is pretty simple so I spent more focus on the solar bream. Threw in a shiny

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2nd Pokemon for is the best starter Bulbasaur.

He's aiming the solar beam at the trainer offscreen

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Here she is the pokemon with less obstructions.

psychic drills for shits and giggles

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Had a thought for an art theme where the don't want to be captured. So first one is everyone favorite

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First up is the best waifumon to hit Pokemon an angry little catch that survived the wild and isn't going to let some random upstart trainer trap her

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I've been trying to push myself to finish projects so I started an art theme to keep . Posts will be coming out soon I'll stick them under

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