Frostern (Ice/Flying)

My most ambitious sprite ever!
This guy is so big! I can't wait to get them in game

A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

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Clovora (Grass)
The Small Antler Pokémon

Dex Entry: They are very timid and rare, only ever being spotted once or twice a year. They live in secluded pine forests close to the tundra.

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Rubunite (Normal/Rock)

The sprite confused me so much while trying to sprite it
But I love how the gemstones came out

A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

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Clovora (Grass)

Here's a resprite! The head and leafs around the neck are brand new! Plus some minor body changes

A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

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Fenfir (Fire)

The new version of Fenfir! I wish to never ever sprite a 4 legged creature again.

A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

0 10

Rubunite (Normal/Rock)

Epix helped with the crystal shapes!
I really like how the gem stones came out!

A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

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Castorn (Water)

First I made the sprite to big but then Epix came and fixed it! After that I fixed a few thing

A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

2 10

??? Bug/Elec

Here's another WIP! I'm drawing a beast!
I hope yall wont mind me posting WIPs!
A sprite for Pokemon Circuit/Rune fan game!

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