So what do you all think of fusions, anyway? Pretty neat, huh? I made these.

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"Legends say that when this pokemon grants a certain number of wishes, it evolves to take a new and powerful form."

Have you thought about what you are going to ask Jiraneary for? 💕

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Having fun drawing Lopunny fusions lately, I really love the ones that fuse them with fish so uhh, made my own, Qwilpunny, I really had fun with him, especially the lines and highlights

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Bruh they knew damn well what they were doing when they made these sprites... Like bro....

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Pokemon Fusion Pt 1
I wanted to try imitating the style of pokemon, and increased my desire, I love the custom sprites it has, they seem super unique and great

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So , I have this little guy (sprite made by the respective artists at the r/PokemonInfiniteFusion subreddit and their discord)

He's a Sandshrew/Phanpy. What should I nickname him? I was thinking about Truffle, but I wasn't sure.

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cmon ppl give me pokemon to fuse or your own that you've gotten and I'll sketch em

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Been playing Pokémon Infinite Fusion… trust me when I say, I will die for Piba. 💛

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Ich spiele derzeit Pokemon Infinite Fusion Offstream.

Es gibt ja sehr viele sehr hässliche Fusionen.
Aber manchmal hat man schon einige Diamanten!

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I've been seeing a lot of people post the sprites they have made for and I have decided to join the trend. So here's a thread of some of my favourites I have done. Keep in mind that some of these use bases done by other spriters from the discord.

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So here's a few highlights from my big first step (7-gyms deep in one night lmao) into


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