014 - Shurikoon, the Shinobi Pokémon

Having become experts at foraging for sharp leaves, Shurikoon are known for their excellent marksmanship.

They can hit targets with their throwing leaves from a mile away.

(Design by )

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why did i draw the mid stagers as ed edd n eddy……

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005 - Feathermal, the Dancing Pokémon

Although capable of flying short distances, they prefer to run with their powerful legs. Their rhythmic movements are the inspiration of many traditional Holonian dances.

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002 - Treetle, the Trunk Weevil Pokémon

They ram into trees with their sturdy horns to knock berries and tree nuts down to eat.

(Design by )

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017 - Fulgoryu, the False Head Pokémon

Fulgoryu have a fake set of teeth patterned on their large heads that scares off foes.

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016 - Beacoon, the Lantern Pokémon

Beacoon store large amounts of energy for evolution inside of their shells, causing them to glow.

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019 - Webbind, the Hanging Pokémon

Webbind completely cover their bodies with an incredibly sticky webbing upon evolution.
Large groups of them can often be found clumped together among various debris.

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013 - Koonai, the Disciple Pokémon

Every morning like clockwork, Koonai forage for leaves to sharpen and use as weapons. It uses a sticky saliva to secure them to its tail.

The leaf on its head is always its favorite.

(Design by )

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- Volink, the Connect Pokémon

Volink can attach their tails to other Volink to increase their weak electrical charge. Chains of Volink can transfer electrical brain impulses enabling them to act as a single entity.

(Original design by )

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- Koonai, the Disciple Pokémon

Every morning Koonai go foraging for leaves to sharpen and stick onto their tails. Despite not being Grass-type Pokémon, they use these sharp leaves in battle as throwing weapons.

(Original design by )

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- Emberet, the Long Ears Pokémon

It can hear sounds from several miles away with its sensitive ears. It uses its keen sense of hearing together with its incredible speed to keep away from predators.

(Original design by )

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- Cubillow, the Cub Pokémon

The strange pollen that comes from this Pokémon’s fur helps plants bloom in even the harshest conditions. It protects the bud on its tail with its life.

(Original design by )

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In Pokémon Mirage, players will share in the discovery of these rare and unique Delta Pokémon, as well as use unique Dual Typed moves that will make your team even more powerful!

Are you ready to put the new Delta Species to the test?

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From the research labs in the Holon region comes a revelation that will thrill anyone who trains and collects Pokémon: δ Delta Evolution!

Researchers are still working hard to learn about this strange phenomenon.

Stay tuned for more info!

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