I've really been enjoying 's Pokemon Shield Streams, so I made some artwork of her with Galarian Ponyta (since I know she likes it so much)

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I mean, why not posting these fellas here too. They are entries for contest on ig, posted by me on , where you will find more Infos about them.

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‘Allied Enemies’

I drew my two main Pokemon in Pokemon Shield, meet Aidan the Raboot and Renmy the Drizzile!

The two always butt heads, but they fight for the same team, even with their differences~

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Random Pokemon of the day is Flapple. I love the colors and texture, really nice. Credit goes to NutkaseCreates.#pokemon

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Im practicing a bit humans, and what better way than using the handsome boy milo! I love that cute face

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Random Pokemon of the day is Greedent. I love how chibi and cute this looks! Credit goes to BlackPengu1n.#pokemon

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Hey I am going live with some come over and hang out in the livestream and chat a bit!


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So apparently there’s this theory where Bede has a tsundere rival crush on the trainer regardless of your gender and I think that’s pretty neat

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