A piece from a diversity fanzine entry. So here's as a dragon/flying type with feathers!

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The final Pokemon variant is here! Meet the Pygmy line, aka the pet line that is as small as an Eevee but twice as affectionate and adorable. Super impressed at how the wings came out, definitely a win in how it looks ;u;

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One of my most challenging Pokemon variation I've made yet due to how i wanted the markings to come out! But the ending result is really cool ;u; And totally inspired by leopard geckos /COUGHS

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Easily one of the coolest pokemon variants I've taken a try at. The "forgotten variant" of the species, revived by fossil discovery. Leaned more on velociraptors for Charizard this time around, but with style~ xD

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Fell in love with Pokemon variants again a while back, so I got the guts to start posting my works online at last. First one I did for my lil "project" was the Charmander line! More coming in the future~

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PFFFFF I think the last one of these I uploaded was the shroomish line. Well here are some more I swear these entries keep getting longer...Ralts is next and im very afraid. But for now, enjoy the tree boys~

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Oh hey, look who's back! More This time we've got shrooms and rowdy boys. Here's an alt link if you can't read the text, this entry went kinda wild 🤣

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Got a little something special for today's entry to the series. This time we've got the Delurade alongside and

For those curious,
Masquerain = Masquerade + Rain.
Delurade = Deluge + Masquerade.

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Time to throw some birbs in this series! While and come in two flavors, and look the same across the region. But they're important to Hoenn nonetheless! AND, we have hybrid mon now! The "pokedex" entries only grow...

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My favorites so far in the series! The salsa dancing, coffee serving kappas themselves, and

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Back to it, then! Next in the series are some that I had no idea i'd be drawing as much as I ended up having to. Give it up for the 'yena!

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Next in the series, we've got some fire chickens! What exactly do the people of Hoenn eat...? You'd be surprised (pff or maybe not, we all been knew) ~

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Who knew Hoenn had so many different versions of its mons? Going to start uploading my series here, starting with none other than the starters, of course :)

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Leftovers, Let's plays, and are a brewin'. It's my first day on twitter and imma be honest, i've not a clue what im doin.

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Skeleton Galvantula

Also just a reminder that I’m still taking commissions at the moment. Feel free to message me in dms.

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have these beautiful darling noodle rocks aka shuckles

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