んわあああ trampolineさーーーーーn




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2023.5.3(wed) - 5.28(sun)
12:00 - 19:00
At / TOKYO PiXEL shop&gallery
※休 / 月・火

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day 6 sneak peek 😙✨ can you guess the scene? 👀

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Resulta que las polillas son mejores polinizadores que las abejas: https://t.co/5QjiXefpbt

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Ci si può fidare di Macchianera? O è proprio l’acerrimo nemico di Topolino all’origine della strana e pericolosa nebbia che sta sconvolgendo Topolinia e il mondo? Il quarto episodio de “Gli Evaporati” è su 3513!

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Day 26 - yeek
why use a broken trampoline when you can be yeeking out instead

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from above angle, (on the trampoline:1.5), (jumping girl:1.3), dynamic pose, 自分のモデルに合うよう少し変えてます。トランポリンが出なくて強めたらプールが出てきたのでNPにwaterを入れてます

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(Trampoline:1.3), (jumping:1.2),dynamic pose,

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Wip Polin 🐝🦋

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猫理論さん ふぁ武田さん

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It appears that The Belly Bumper drank some mysterious fizzy soda that dramatically increases one’s size. At least the rotund avian superhero makes a fine trampoline to jump on. :)

Art by
Axel OC by

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A pretty magical owl is basically all one wishes for in a day (side effects include wonder, a woosh feeling on the top of one's head, and dead mice - hey, it's still an owl).

art by Polina Yakovleva

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