Say cheese 🧀💎

I love Roguefort

This specific design of rog (the best design) was made by the lovely @/neapolitaska

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4 mutual/ 4 personajes ficticios
Ya que solo pondré monas chinas que los que respondan sean más cosmopolitas
Por cierto, estoy eligiendo a Ren, estoy eligiendo a Jeanne??? Nunca lo sabrán

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¡Buenos y enormes días Frikipolitas!

L chic de han lanzado este Thanos para obligarnos a tirar tabiques en nuestras casas.

Empezad la reforma en casa que el bicho se viene!!

En breve lo tenéis subido!

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¡¡Ya hebéis visto el bombazo!! La verdad que muchísima ilusión me ha hecho que y confiaran en para este proyecto!!

Un sueño más cumplido!! Gracias Frikipolitas por estar ahí cada día!!

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International Day of the Seal is this Tuesday. Seals are protected under Tasmanian law, but they can still be shot at with lead-filled "beanbags" & deafening explosive "crackers" when they approach salmon farms. We want to see an end to this cruelty!

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¡¡¡Casco de Bo Katan!!! ¡¡Por mi clan!! ¡¡Por Mandalore!! ¡¡Por tod l Frikipolitas!!

Ya tenéis en preventa el casco Black Series de de ! 👇👇

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Millions for Marinus study puts cart before horse. In terms of jobs, these billions would create far more jobs on projects in Tasmania rather than draining out of the island to service the mainland with expensive electricity.

3 5 will keep Tasmanians in poverty: Brown. Marinus link has a Marinus stink about it and that is the public will foot the bill. It will confirm the role of Tasmanians as the poorest per capita in Australia.

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Jaxipolitas, in normal and energized forms

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Today we will join global day of action in Hobart. As we take action together across 800 events in 90 countries it will be a powerful moment of global solidarity for action on climate. Sea Level Rises in Salamanca 11am at Watermans Dock Hobart.

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[KOMIKIA] Hona hemen kolaboratzailearen tira azaroko alean: Politasun politikoak! Ohiturak

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