*hq curiga bokkun pake hair spray bukan pomade 😭 bisa ya di semprot air masih berdiri kokoh paripurna kek gitu wkwk😭👍

162 1979

Warning Spoiler Jjk! ⚠️

Pomadenya Nanamin luntur kena air, sedangkan Megumi masih tetap slay, lain kali kayanya Nanamin harus tanya Megumi dia pake pomed merk apa?

417 4952

new vietnamese vampire oc just dropped,,, hes bland as hell because he just wants to be some guy vineboom. also that aggressive bang is hairsprayed, gel, wax, pomade DOWN. it is NOT moving. you will NEVER see his right eye.

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I genuinely need to know how Gelgar's hair looks like without the pomade holding it together... 🤔 Because I'll be drawing it 👀

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quinoli doodle
quincy ganteng makin ganteng dengan rambut di pomade

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The Asmo of the Hour is Pomade Album Cover (image, promotional)

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The Asmo of the Hour is Pomade Album Cover (image, promotional)

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아스모데우스도 취향이라 슬짝...🥰

▶ Pomade

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Oh shit what happened I just used my dads pomade and now I’m half skunk!!! I guess I’m officially my dads son I wonder how long it will last maybe forever skunk months do last three months! >~< art by thanks for the early gift

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Abis ini kaka osisnya ngebakar smua toko yg jual pomade dket rumah hanma ( ̄∇ ̄)

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Embrace no-pomade Erwin Smith ❤️

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The Asmo of the Hour is Pomade Album Cover (image, promotional)

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Kegantengan zin kalo Pomade nya luntur 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈

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Quick pic of my OC Telandra

Magic is definitely the best pomade 😁

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Finished doing my hair with my favorite pomade, para ready to party later sa bgc pareh

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Yuta have been investing in some really good pomade after that fight with geto.

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“An early mention of soap comes in Roman scholar Pliny the Elder’s book “Naturalis Historia” from A.D. 77. He described soap as a pomade made of tallow and ashes that the Gauls, particularly the men, applied to their hair to give it “a reddish tint.””


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Huh, so the other day I went to a bar and met this nice, handsome skunk named . He said he liked my hair and offered me some fancy pomade to try on my hair.
Now I feel... good... swirly... heh
(🎨 by )

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