@/NaokiT_, @/melpomello and I designed (ham)burgers as people! enjoy :)

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@/melpomello and I did a design challenge surrounding designing keyboards as characters!

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Poteva essere alta circa un metro, ma non aveva forma;
le sue mani ossute posavano l’una sull’altra, e insieme premevano il pomello in oro di un bastone d’avorio simile a una bacchetta magica.

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Commission for of their character Pomello! it was a very fun drawing to do!

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Given that a regular squirrel can fit a dozen peanuts into its cheeks (or 6 per cheek), we can extrapolate that a human-sized squirrel can fit a pomello into each cheek. Well need a human-sized squirrel to involuntarily volunteer to confirm the math.

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This is awesome! Thank you for the chance! This is my newest boi Pomello

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