콩아.. 오늘은 비와서 산책 못가.. 😥 째려보지마..
I can't take a walk today because it's raining

6 57

콩아 너 살찌니까 조금 귀엽다??🤣🤣🤣
KongE, you look cute when you gain weight

14 75

개껌 먹는 콩이 😊 엉덩이 토실토실 귀여웡 😍
KongE eat dog gum, My hip is chubby

18 67

콩이 쿨감 여름옷 입었는데 어떠냐멍 😘
What do you think about wearing summer clothes?

14 55

화난다개! 그냥 아무이유 없이 화난다멍!😤
사..살려줘 콩이야.. 🤣🤣
I'm angry. I'm angry for no reason
https://t.co/bzGL6VVHXQ (NFT)
https://t.co/FMvucAnWZS (집사와 반려견)

12 31

인형을 살리고 싶다면 간식을 줘라멍! 😤😜
If you want to save the doll, give it a snack
https://t.co/bzGL6VVHXQ (NFT)
https://t.co/FMvucAnWZS (집사와 반려견)

15 49

그렇게 웃고 있으면 안 이뻐해 줄 수 없자나용😍😍
If you smile like that, I can't not like you
https://t.co/bzGL6VEEVQ (NFT)
https://t.co/FMvucA6TXS (집사와 반려견)

11 30

아침이다멍! 빨리 일어나서 간식달라멍!!🥰😤😤
Morning, get up and give me some snacks.

14 51

나는 지금 아무 생각이 없개..
왜냐하면 아무 생각 없기 때문이개...🤣🤣
I don't have any thoughts right now.
Because I don't have any thoughts.

5 24

@ E_pompitz 님 픽크루로...빠르게 만든....뤼 인장......
전신 언제 파지...ㅠㅠ.....

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