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Fiona ponder over Shreks words. PK 431- 9569

73 739

Today's Haiku (#7)

The Daily Arcane
Current sorcery affairs.
Pondering my orb.


4 20

Pondering Herself.

1066 11623

40th OC
Mac Offin, the living orb you dont ponder this orb, he ponders you

3 5

Smoliv pondering life as an olive 🫒

46 138

Two Avali Pondering An Orange (colourised)

117 742

Pondering him gives me a chuckle, especially when he's all too aware that he's not supposed to be there

469 2928

wizards after a long day of orb pondering……

2 17

Such a good episode tonight! So much to ponder. Until next week here’s ’s Prism!! Can’t wait to see what trouble she gets herself into next time (ft as best-dad™️ Dynios)

5 18

pondering the veluza

15 81

Hoje iremos reservar um pedaço para responder algumas perguntas de vocês! Basta perguntar nesta thread! 😉

Lembrando que não comentamos sobre séries não anunciadas!

0 52

>plane caught without transponder and not answering the calls
>now the control's chatting with a 2000 from Luxeuil

damn this airband radio has some suspense finally

0 2

por favor me hacen preguntas por favor??? porfa??? estoy enfermo y me estoy quedando sin preguntas para responder y estoy enfermo y desempleado aparte LO SE TODO no hay pregunta que no pueda responder


3 31

¡hola corazones!
Disculpen si tardo en responderles estos dias, estare haciendo algunas cosas para distraerme, pero siempre apartare un momento del dia para saludarlos a ustedes dulzuras,valen mucho y muchas gracias por su ayuda 💞 un abrazo a todos 💖

6 61

im too lazy to remake the previous tweet
so here is just the reference image while i ponder why i doodled with a brush that i KNOW looks crispy in any platform's media preview

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