Ponder the Mad Scientist has appeared! This electrifying variant joins the thanks to . See how can inspire your art!
Get a deck at https://t.co/ihAa37j9cK

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Ponder the Psychic Visualizer by has joined the What mysteries will this mental investigator discover once they're on the case?

Artists! Create your own variant of Ponder! Use these pose guides by . DM for commission details.

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A quartet of Ponders has joined the
Bunnygirl by
Magical Catgirl by
Vampire Schoolgirl by
Cyber-Rocketer by

Create your own variant of our multi-dimensional mascot today! DM us for commission details.

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A new variant of Ponder has joined the This French Writer comes to us from ! Artists are invited to create their own version of our multidimensional mascot using the pose template. DM us for more information.

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A pair of Ponders has appeared to join the These two variants of a Vampire Hunter and Vampire Girl come from . Artists are invited to do their own version of our mutli-dimensional mascot! Behold the infinite power of creativity!

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Better Backstories is fueled by imagination, and nothing expresses that infinite power like our multidimensional mascot, Ponder. Variants by

Follow the for new variants. New artists welcome to create a variant!

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Another Ponder appears! This coquettish Victorian Teacher version of our multi-dimensional mascot comes to us from . All artists are invited to come up with their own version of our Mascot and join the with

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A new variant of Ponder has appeared! This Chef rendition of our multi-dimensional mascot comes courtesy of iDFER! Artists are welcome to join the and show off your creativity!

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Funny you should ask. I just got a new variant of Ponder last night as a chef!

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Some of the many faces and styles of out multi-dimensional mascot, Ponder. Artists are welcome to show us your variant!
Illustrations by &

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Ponder the Cyber-Elf by has joined the

All artists are welcome to create their own variant of our multi-dimensional mascot, created through the infinite power of imagination!

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Another addition to the by . This variant of our multi-dimensional mascot shows a mature Ponder who's just out to have a good time.

Artists are welcome to design their own versions of Ponder from various settings, genres, or species.

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How do you 'Ponder'? Better Backstories loves spreading the power of creativity. Submit your own variant of our mascot to the Ponder Parade today!


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What's this? Two Ponders for the price of one?! gives us Ponder the College Student and Ponder the Flight Attendant!

Artists are welcome to join the and give us your interpretation of our multi-dimensional mascot.

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This new version of Ponder by
takes us into deep space. Are they an alien customs officer or a logistics specialist?

Artists are welcome to join the DM for details.

More soon from , &

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A new iteration of Ponder has arrived! This is a Hollow Sorceress by .

Artists? How do you 'Ponder?' Everyone has their own version of our interdimensional mascot who rides on the infinite sands of creativity. Join the

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Hey Chelsea! If you're an artist, then perhaps you'd like to participate in the Our mascot Ponder comes from the infinite realms of creativity, so I encourage artists to design their own version of them. Check out some of the examples on our feed!

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