Imagine Caribou took all Poneglyphs of the Strawhats on Sunny during the havoc on Egghead and give it to certain someone which is Blackbeard/BB Crew as BB ship is coming to Egghead to pick him up, it'll have lengthened the story for the endgame

1 24

The woman with silver hair in our fanart One Piece cursor pack is Nico Olvia - the mother of Nico Robin and an archaeologist from Ohara who studied the Poneglyphs two decades ago.

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Robin reading poneglyphs are some of my favorite panels

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En este Color Spread, me ha causado especial curiosidad que Robin estuviese abajo frente a una calavera y la esté tocando.

Obviamente esto no está puesto porque sí, perfectamente podría ser un Poneglyph y ya, pero entonces...

¿Por qué Oda dibujó esto exactamente?

6 187

Kuma’s special race might be the Three-Eye Tribe.
We never saw his forehead and his eyes being white could be the result of awakening his third eye.
Reading the Poneglyphs and thus learning about true tyrants might be why he joined the Revolutionaries.

15 163

some of my sketches and wips. i end spending most of my time on color and simplifying

the poneglyph font is from here:

0 6

There's definitely gotta be more to it even beyond what we know, especially with how Cobra had an interest in the true history and the poneglyphs, which just made him a threat to the WG. And there's the whole matter of Imu's interest in Vivi too, which must be connected to it

0 43


What does Blackbeard want with Coby?

Coby's observation haki has been highlighted a few times. It may be that he has The Voice of All Things.

If this is true. Blackbeard could use him to locate Poneglyphs

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if anyone's curious, the transponder snail won the first game.
I used a different website with the same basis and the second winner was a sentient poneglyph.

1 10

El turno es para nuestra fugitiva favorita, la arqueóloga y miembro mas inteligente de la tripulación7️⃣

2 6

The Road Poneglyphs were in the following New World Islands:

1) FMI (Border’s protected by Poseidon and Fish-Men)
2) Zou (Border’s protected by Zunesha and Minks)
3) Wano (Border’s protected by Ryuma and Samurai)
4) Elbaf (Border’s protected by Elbaf and Giants)

4 37

The 3rd Location for the 4th Road Poneglyph is Vila.
Vila‘s Name appeared in Ch. 96 (Coup D‘Etat in Vila) and Ch. 228 (Noland‘s Book).
That makes it so mysterious.
I can very well imagine that it could be Shanks‘ Territory.
So I would say that the 4th Road Poneglyph is in Vila.

1 43


The "Road to Laugh" Tale Booklet (1st Edition) says that the 4th Road Poneglyph is located on an Island that the Crew of Strawhat Pirates have never visited.
The Booklet recommends 3 Locations:

1) Vila
2) Elbaf
3) Hachinosu


13 115

Com a revelação da localização de Pluton, parece que o Oda pode estar fazendo um pequeno joguinho de extremos opostos entre a localização das armas ancestrais e os poneglyphs que falam sobre elas. O poneglyph da Pluton estava em Alabasta, no começo da Grand Line, enquanto +

94 1408

O Oda vem colocando pequenos detalhes que indicam uma conexão maior entre algumas raças do mundo de OP. Com o recente twist é quase certo a ligação entre os Kozukis e os Nefertaris.

Por que Pluton está em Wano?
Como Crocodile sabia sobre o Poneglyphy?

69 789

⚠️Spoiler ⚠️
After 19 years, Robin finally reveals what she read in the Poneglyph of the Kingdom of Arabasta.

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looking forward to Robin’s end of arc poneglyph reading

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VENHA URANUS, VENHA. Poneglyph que estava no castelo de Kuri, dei-nos informações sobre Uranus

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Há 29 anos: Shyarly nasce.
Há 28 anos: Gol D. Roger descobre que tem uma doença fatale se prepara para a sua maior jornada, recrutando Crocus como médico do navio. Nico Olvia sai de Ohara e deixa sua filha Robin para se juntar em uma expedição Poneglyph. Kozuki Momonosuke nasce.

2 181

800 anos atrás: Quando eles chegam ao poder, eles controlam e censuram tudo o que aconteceu nos últimos 100 anos, enquanto que, ao mesmo tempo tornam fora da lei todos aqueles com a capacidade de ler os Poneglyphs e pesquisá-los.

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