ぽっぷるメイルが33周年ということで前に描いたメイルでお祝い!( Mail From PopfulMail )

40 166

ぽっぷるメイル より メイル 。30周年おめでとう! ( Mail From PopfulMail )

96 360

ぽっぷるメイル より メイル 。Switch版配信おめでとう~ ( Mail From PopfulMail )

73 305

"Oww, I bigged it... What even hit me?"

as she wonders why she suddenly grew in size - so fast - that she banged her head on the ceiling as she outgrew the tavern.

18 128

POPFUL ⚔️ MAIL ✉️ commission! This is a rad character from the era that I've always enjoyed!

65 292


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Here's a popful charm! I always found Mail to be super cute. I'm clearly not the only one to three no so because I'm happy to say that her keychains/charms are almost sold out! Find Mail and more of your faves at https://t.co/ftk2Coowv0 😃

1 11

Phew~ for a minute there I felt like I wasn't gonna get the price for finished! In any case, here is Mail from the awesome series, Popful Mail. I really enjoy the PC Engine version of it 🥰

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Here's kind of an obscure one, but I love this character and the game she's from

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