On sale now! The Roots Issue featuring and a host of other great writers. Find it in book shops and newsagents or online https://t.co/yMSupVA3Au

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***THE MYSTERY ISSUE IS HERE*** The 27th issue of Popshot is now on sale in bookshops, WHSmiths and online, featuring a short story by guest author

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"I tried inverting

tried changing my skin

grew scales

grew limbs

removed the tail

tucked back tentacles"

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This poem by John Reinhart is about an unusual character who will stop at nothing to find love

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This poem by John Reinhart is about an unusual character who will stop at nothing to find love

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Sherry Morris' story The Barber is just one of the brilliant pieces of short fiction or poetry featured in The Identity Issue of Popshot magazine. Follow the link to read it in full

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Need a shave? Get some inspiration from 's brilliant piece, The Barber, featured in the Identity Issue of Popshot magazine, and published in full here https://t.co/1b61X2fa7H

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Happy to finally receive beautiful with my illustration submission!

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